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Attendance and Punctuality

In order for pupils to learn effectively, regular school attendance is key. It is also important that pupils, parents and carers understand the importance of punctuality as arriving at school at the start of the school day ensures a smooth transition from home to school, preparing our pupils for a day of learning.

We understand that pupils are unable to attend if they are unwell and we ask all parents and carers to notify the school promptly, informing the school of the circumstances in order for an authorised absence to be recorded. An absence where notification has not been received is recorded as ‘unauthorised’.

Along with all schools in Bridgend, we hold regular meetings with a local authority (LA) Education Welfare Officer to monitor attendance, identify where support is needed and aim to work with parents and carers to improve attendance. We aim for all children to achieve an attendance of at least 92%.

We seek to encourage and reward good attendance by offering class attendance rewards on a weekly basis. We work collaboratively with LA Education and Attendance Officers to run attendance workshops for parents/ carers and pupils. We also operate an ‘open door’ policy for parents/ carers to discuss any issues with attendance and identify supportive measures.

Please contact us if you are having any issues regarding getting you child to school – we are here to help.