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Family Engagement @ OV

Family Engagement @ Ogmore Vale Primary School

As parents and carers, you have a vital role to play in partnership with us in supporting your child’s education and ensuring that they make expected progress, reaching their full potential. We value parental/ carer support and encourage our families to take an active role in their child’s education. At the beginning of every academic year, “Meet the Teacher” events held at the end of the school day create an opportunity for teachers to meet parents and carers in order to share general class information e.g. PE days, homework, etc.

You will have the opportunity to formally discuss your child’s progress at Pupil Progress meetings twice a year but as a school that operates an open door policy, please do not hesitate to contact the school and/ or class teacher for any further information or queries you may have.

We hold very successful and well attended “Innovate” sessions for every class once a term. Each session will be linked to the current class topic and you will have the opportunity to complete activities with your child in their learning environment. We strive to engage with families as regularly as we can through a wide range of events such as Parent/ Carer lunches. Details of upcoming events will be available via the weekly school newsletter and specific information will be sent to parents/ carers via text message.

To support your child’s reading, reading books are sent home regularly to enable pupils to practise reading at home with parents and carers.

We appreciate your support with ensuring that your child reads at home and encouraging them to develop a love of reading.

Home learning tasks are set regularly by individual class teachers with the expectation that these will be completed and returned to school by a specified date.

Children will be asked to learn specific times tables and high frequency words in spelling, progressing to specific vocabulary as your child moves through the school.

To support you as parents and carers, we hold Phonics workshops at Ogmore Vale Primary, aimed at parents and carers of Foundation Phase pupils. These workshops will provide you with useful strategies and the knowledge you need to support your child’s phonological development.

Our Family Engagement Officer

I would like to introduce myself to you as Ogmore Vale’s Family Engagement officer. My name is Maria Balchin and I have worked in education for a few years. I have two children, who attend schools in Bridgend.

My role is to offer support for parents, carers and families with any issues that you may have in relation to supporting your child either at school or home. I feel passionate that the time spent in school should be a positive one for both pupils and their families, and a big part of that is to develop effective communication between school and home.

I am here to listen and help with any worry or query that you may feel you need support with, no matter how large or small they may be.

Maria Balchin
Family Engagement officer

I have access to a number of agencies who can provide advice and support. I will also be organising a range of workshops/courses, Baby & Toddler group, events and coffee mornings for families throughout the year.

If you have any questions or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact me, you will find me in The Lounge. I look forward to meeting with you all.